Visit the magical Norwegian Book town

Where the Sognefjord meets the Jostedalsbreen Glacier, you’ll find Fjærland with its almost 300 inhabitants and Norway’s official Book Town (Bokbyen)!

Book Town Fjærland in Norway

Here in this remote village of Mundal the people have turned abandoned buildings into bookstores. There are more than 10 second-hand bookshops in enchanting waterfront wooden houses, former ferry waiting rooms, stables, local banks and a post office, below towering mountains and magnificent glaciers. Bokbyen (the Book Town) is now home to a collection of over 150,000 used books. Indeed, there are more books and pine trees here than people – and the people are warm and welcoming!

Ten years before the booktown became the reading hub it is today, you could only get to Fjærland by boat. The first road to the valley was built in 1986, and now there are bus routes to get in from the north or the south. In 1995, Mundal officially became the first “booktown” in Norway.

This remote small village of Mundal in Fjærland turns abandoned buildings into bookstores

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